Cette série exclusive pour la gelarie 9 to 5 à New York est une invitation à découvrir sous un angle différent les champs ordonnant nos campagnes. De tels paysages offrent au regard des oasis de calme et de repos linéaire. Mon objectif est de capturer et de mettre en image l’essence même de la relation entre l’organique et le géométrique. Dans chaque prise de vue, j’explore le désir humain de commander et de maitriser les principes de la vie, de façonner la nature à son image.
This exclusive series for the 9 to 5 gallery in New York is an invitation to discover the fields that shape our countryside from a different perspective. Such landscapes offer oases of calm and linear repose to the observer. My goal is to capture and visualize the very essence of the relationship between the organic and the geometric. In each shot, I explore the human desire to control and master the principles of life, to shape nature in its own image.
Man has the desperate urge to bring order to the universe. He has a visceral need to organize, arrange, align, and classify. Disciplining his environment is inherent to his nature.
In an imperative need to retain control. A feigned struggle to escape chaos. Man prioritizes his desires, categorizes his fellow beings, tames animals, or even constrains nature. He labels the wild grass that grows freely in the fields just as he does the grass that breaks through city asphalt, rising and defying the laws of the almighty order.
So, he organizes nature as he does his life. And the rich and diverse nature, which derives its freedom from its nonchalance, finds itself aligned, arranged, and delimited, like a mere component of our lives. Because this order, which is so dear to us, is a reference point that reassures us and governs our lives, the series « Des Natures » testifies to the extraordinary will of man to create order in such orderly disorder.
Let’s make something amazing together
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